Podcast with SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce – Listen on Thursday

Podcast exclusive: SEC Commissioner Peirce to discuss emerging tech, CCO liability, and what she’s learned from her time at the busy securities regulator.

Julie DiMauro, GRIP’s US content manager, recently held a podcast conversation with US Securities and Exchange Commissioner Hester Peirce, and the recording will be available here on Thursday, August 10.

Commissioner Peirce was appointed by President Donald Trump to the Commission and sworn into office in January 2018.

She has been a vocal advocate of the compliance community, a fan of emerging technologies and their potential value to businesses and investors, and an advocate for narrowly tailored regulations.

“Serving as a compliance officer or in a compliance department in the private sector is in itself a public service.”

Hester M Peirce, SEC Commissioner

Commissioner Peirce spoke to us about a range of topics, including her public service work and advice she’d give compliance officers considering such a career move, her thoughts on the securities regulator holding compliance officers individually accountable, and her views on the evolving world of data analytics tools and the regulator’s role in a business’s use of new tech.

See you on Thursday.