Precious metals dealer charged in $61m fraud targeting elderly
Hundreds of investors were tricked into selling retirement funds to invest in a precious metals scheme that included far greater markups than promised.
This CFTC Rule implements CEA 1936 Section 6(c)(1).
The CFTC has interpreted this rule broadly to extend its traditional jurisdiction beyond future, options, and swaps to pursue fraud in cryptocurrencies and digital assets.
An exception to the prohibition contained in 180.1(a)(4) ensures that any person who mistakenly communicates a false, misleading, or inaccurate report and does this in good faith will not be caught out by the rule.
Precious metals dealer charged in $61m fraud targeting elderly
Hundreds of investors were tricked into selling retirement funds to invest in a precious metals scheme that included far greater markups than promised.
Martina Lindberg1 min read
CFTC should regulate crypto exchanges says Commissioner
The risks posed by cyber attacks and lack of meaningful oversight of cryptocurrencies should result in regulatory intervention, says CFTC Commissioner.
Thomas Hyrkiel2 min read
Conviction secured in groundbreaking prosecution for manipulating Mango Markets
First-ever cryptocurrency market manipulation case as DOJ seals conviction for theft of over $100m in digital assets from the crypto exchange.
Martina Lindberg2 min read
Precious metals dealer charged in $61m fraud targeting elderly
CFTC should regulate crypto exchanges says Commissioner
Conviction secured in groundbreaking prosecution for manipulating Mango Markets
Enforcement Advisory offers clarity into how the commodities regulator will offer credit against penalties for meritorious conduct. But there are concerns.
Alexander Barzacanos3 min read
The nationwide collaboration seeks to help potential victims recognize relationship investment scams and what to do when witnessing these.
Julie DiMauro1 min read
The investment fraud, which operated out of a scam call center in Israel, stole millions from unaware customers.
Alexander Barzacanos1 min read
Nominated agency heads promise deregulation and rulemaking clarity.
Alexander Barzacanos2 min read
Eyebrows have been raised over Elon Musk's attempt to access federal payment systems and other sensitive information.
Hameed Shuja2 min read
Pilot program and collaboration with industry executives, plus leadership changes, reflect regulatory shift at CFTC.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
Other news includes the UK Home Office forcing Apple to provide encrypted data, US states going after BlackRock for concealing Chinese investment, and ESMA launching public consultations related to EMIR 3.
GRIP1 min read
Strategy is to target bad actors rather than impose 'unnecessary burdens' on legitimate players.
Julie DiMauro2 min read