SEC Rule 206(4)-7
In connection with the supervisory compliance controls of Rule 206(4)-7, SEC Final Rule Release IA-2204 and corresponding SEC guidance, firms must:
Both had allegedly failed to adequately consider if it was in their clients' best interest to convert brokerage accounts to advisory ones.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
The SEC said the company represented to private fund investors that the firm was voluntarily complying with AML due diligence laws despite actual processes for same being used.
Julie DiMauro1 min read
Firm found to have no policy or procedure in place that could have detected misappropriation of $10m.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
Five SEC enforcement actions include allegations that some advisers’ recommendations were not in the best interest of clients.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
The charges arise from prospectuses stating that the company would exclude ESG-negative industries from its investments.
Alexander Barzacanos2 min read
SEC says the (now convicted) adviser stole from clients, thanks to the firm and its CEO failing to reasonably supervise him.
Julie DiMauro3 min read
The firm was accused by the SEC of failing to disclose potential conflicts of interest resulting from the fees it received from outside investors.
Alexander Barzacanos1 min read
The SEC said the firms failed to supervise advisers engaging in the fraudulent practice of preferentially allocating profitable trades at the expense of client accounts.
Julie DiMauro3 min read