Julie DiMauro26 min listen
GRIP1 min read
Jean Hurley34 min listen
The telecommunications operator interspersed adverts between emails without obtaining appropriate consent from millions of customers.
Martina Lindberg1 min read
The company allegedly illegally processed customer data when creating a new electronic mailbox for two million customers that haven’t requested the service.
Martina Lindberg2 min read
Misuse of the blind copy email function features consistently in list of top 10 non-cyber breaches.
Jean Hurley1 min read
Join the Triboo Limited (JTT) was fined £130,000 for spamming job seekers without their consent.
Martina Lindberg3 min read
Report shows that more security training is needed as 99% of cybersecurity leaders said to be stressed about email security.
Martina Lindberg3 min read
Nine staff sharing one email account among glaring errors in company systems.
Martin Cloake1 min read
Use of ECB encryption shown to leave mail vulnerable in security firm’s tests.
Martin Cloake1 min read
Embedding best practice early on is key to stemming the tide of phishing attacks, says Red Sift executive.
Martina Lindberg2 min read