Martina Lindberg, Jean Hurley3 min read
Jean Hurley, Martina Lindberg2 min read
Jean Hurley, Thomas Hyrkiel23 min listen
Five key areas GCs should focus on when addressing the board, with insights from Nicola Williams, partner and formerly GC, legal and compliance director and company secretary for Welsh Water.
Nicola Williams | Eversheds Sutherland2 min read
Significant disconnect in perception between leadership and frontline staff revealed in latest LRN survey.
Martin Cloake3 min read
Michaela discusses with GRIP the essential points to consider when managing a compliance program and adding ethics in over time.
Julie DiMauro46 min listen
A gripping account of the Challenger Shuttle disaster got Carroll Barry-Walsh thinking about how we manage risk and justify mistakes.
Carroll Barry-Walsh7 min read
Is the Musk-Altman rivalry just about brains and innovation, or does it also revolve around the billions of dollars in investment?
Hameed Shuja2 min read
So many stories in financial services are less pilgrim’s progress than road to perdition, says Carroll Barry-Walsh.
Carroll Barry-Walsh3 min read
The authors say exaggerative ‘carewashing’ type of marketing might not built trust and help retain skilled workers in the long run.
Julie DiMauro4 min read
Possibilities, risk, and ethics around new AI technology were discussed at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Tech Forum.
Martina Lindberg2 min read