Appointment of figure dubbed Crypto Mom to key role prompts excitement.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
Final settlement orders announced last week include those against firms for infractions often based in compliance program lapses.
Julie DiMauro4 min read
SEC Commissioner Mark T Uyeda has been asked to take interim charge of the agency by President Donald Trump.
GRIP<1 min read
Other news includes a host of CFPB settlements, an OCC fine against former Wells Fargo execs, and a massive fine against Toyota for emission reporting deception.
GRIP1 min read
The charges reflect the SEC’s sustained focus on accurate cybersecurity statements.
Alexander Barzacanos1 min read
The SEC said the company represented to private fund investors that the firm was voluntarily complying with AML due diligence laws despite actual processes for same being used.
Julie DiMauro1 min read
The 11th-hour lawsuit accused Musk of failing to disclose his stake in Twitter in a timely manner as he attempted to buy the company in 2022.
Alexander Barzacanos1 min read
Each firm used unapproved communication methods, or off-channel communications, to send and receive messages that were required to be maintained under the securities laws, the SEC said.
Julie DiMauro4 min read