Whistleblower reports in Denmark increased during 2024

Whistleblower reports keep increasing in Denmark, with most concerns within the private sector.

The National Whistleblower Scheme in Denmark received a total of 186 reports in 2024, an increase of almost 25% from 2023. That is primarily due to a higher number of reports on matters regarding public authorities, Datatilsynet, the Danish Data Protection Authority said. Those reports rose from 46 in 2023 to 73 in 2024.

Most whistleblower reports were in connection with private companies or individuals, with 113 reports in total.

From the 186 reports, the National Whistleblower Scheme found that 82 needed to be taken further to the authorities – an increase from 33% in 2023 to 44% in 2024. Three of those were taken to the police.

Graphic: Martina Lindberg

Of those cases passed on, nine were were related to matters that did not require further follow-up, and 13 were closed because there was insufficient information for the National Whistleblower Scheme to make a decision in those cases.

A total of 21 cases were also rejected due to areas of concern outside the Whistleblower Act (31 in 2023), and 51 because the reports were submitted by people who were not whistleblowers within the scope of the Act (48 in 2023).

One of the reports was processed by one external whistleblower scheme, and nine cases were concluded with other undisclosed outcomes.

Three years with the scheme

“The National Whistleblower Scheme has now existed for a good three years and has become a well-established scheme, with good, secure procedures for receiving and processing reports,” said Morten Gjermundbo, Head of Department.

“We treat the reports confidentially, and in cases where it is relevant, we ensure that the information is passed on to the supervisory authorities etc, who can follow up on the matters reported.”

When the scheme started, it was called the Whistleblower Scheme and two out of three reports were connected to matters relating to data protection. The scheme then changed its name to the National Whistleblower Scheme to signal broader coverage, and the data protection matters dropped to 35% of the total in the second yea. That figure is now down to 23% in 2024, which accounted for 43 cases.

As required within section 20 of Datatilsynet’s Whistleblower Act, feedback to the whistleblower must be made within three months from confirmation of sending the report, or six months in duly justified cases. During 2024, the average processing time was about 30 days, yet one case took about five months.