You’ll notice some changes to the way GRIP looks today. We’ve made the site easier to navigate as we prepare for the next stage of our development.
The site masthead has been pared back, with navigation submenus now sitting beneath the logo. Clicking on the menu headings reveals available subtopics along with a selection of the most recent relevant articles.
We’ve added some new subtopics to make it easier for you to find the content you need.
The Compliance topic includes new subtopics: Compliance as a profession and Compliance Culture and Ethics, taking you directly to some of our most practical and analytical articles in this area.

Under Regulation, there’s a new subtopic of US State Regulation linking directly to our growing coverage of US domestic legislation.

And there is a new Resources menu, where you can find our popular Podcasts, along with Book reviews, Conference reports, Country Guides and our regular GRIP Extra roundup.

Our Rules Navigator is more prominent at the top right of our new masthead. Each rule features a plain English description, a link to the full text of the rule, related stories and links to other useful primary and secondary material.
We always value your feedback on GRIP as we strive to provide intelligence and practical advice on regulatory and operational developments for professionals in key markets, with fresh content every business day. You can use the Contact Us link at the foot of the site to send us your thoughts.