OCC updates bank accounting FAQs

Bank Accounting Advisory Series updates revised for clarity.

Although the new edition does not include new questions or substantive updates to existing questions edits have been made to improve on general clarity.

The following topics and subtopics have been superseded as a result of the adoption of FASB ASC Topic 326 by all entities.

SupersededSee the following for questions and answers in accordance with new ASC Topic 326
Subtopic 1B, Other-Than-Temporary ImpairmentSubtopic 12A – the accounting for expected credit losses for HTM and AFS securities
Subtopic 2A, Troubled Debt RestructuringsSubtopic 12B – loan modifications
Subtopic 2G, Acquired LoansSubtopic 12C – acquired loans
Topic 4, Allowance for Loan and Lease LossesSubtopic 12D – allowance for credit losses