Several SEC cases highlight its effort to clear its docket, plus remind firms of internal controls principles and registration and reporting basics.
Julie DiMauro4 min read
Other news includes Microsoft state cyberattack appeals, greenwashing claims against Canadian banks, Northvolt files for bankruptcy and Chinese firms expand California presence.
GRIP1 min read
US investigators allege that Adani and co-conspirators bribed Indian officials and lied to investors.
Alexander Barzacanos2 min read
The DOJ alleged Raytheon defrauded DOD into paying over $111m more than it should have in contracts to buy Patriot missile systems and operate radar.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
The SEC’s order alleged that Moog violated the recordkeeping and internal accounting controls provisions of the FCPA.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
The business revamped its anti-bribery internal controls and policies, and began offering a bimonthly compliance newsletter and compliance-centered podcast.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
US weapons maker required to retain independent compliance monitors over the three-year term of the agreements.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
Case centers on alleged bribery of officials in Ghana to secure a lucrative power-plant contract for a client.
Julie DiMauro3 min read