EU DORA RTS - third party contractual arrangements - Art 8

Stipulates that the third-party policy must specify that all relevant contractual arrangements must be written and include all the elements set out by DORA Article 30(2)-(3)

Rule Overview

Jurisdiction: European Union

Regulator: ESMA

Topic: Business Continuity, Resilience

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DORA Article 30(2)-(3) outlines the minimum elements that must be included in any contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services:

  • Description of functions and services (including an indication whether subcontracting is permitted).
  • The location where functions and services are provided and where data is processed.
  • Provisions around data protection.
  • Provisions ensuring data access and recovery.
  • Service level descriptions.
  • An obligation to provide assistance in the case of an ICT incident connected to the service being provided.
  • An obligation to cooperate with the relevant regulator.
  • Termination rights and notice periods.
    In the case of critical or important services being outsourced the contractual arrangements above must also be supplemented with:

    • measurable performance targets;
    • reporting obligations;
    • adequate business contingency and security measures;
    • an obligation to cooperate in penetration testing;
    • the right to monitor performance (including unrestricted access); and
    • exit strategies.

The policy needs to specify that the contractual arrangements must include:

  • information access;
  • inspection;
  • audit; and
  • ICT testing rights.

The final responsibility for inspection, audit and testing rests with the financial entity who can employ the following in order to carry these out:

  • Internal audit function;
  • Appointed third party;
  • Pooled audits and ICT testing where appropriate;
  • Third party certification;
  • Third party or internal audit reports made available by the ICT third-party service provider

The financial entity cannot only rely on third party certification or reports supplied by the ICT third-party service provider and these can only be used if the financial entity:

  • Is satisfied with the ICT providers audit plan;
  • Ensures that they cover all key systems and controls required to ensure compliance;
  • Thoroughly assesses their content on an ongoing basis and ensure that they remain up to date;
  • Ensures that key systems and controls are covered in any future versions;
  • Is satisfied with the aptitude of the certifying or auditing party;
  • Is satisfied that they:
    • Are performed consistently with widely recognized relevant professional standards;
    • Include a test of the operational effectiveness of key controls in place; and
    • Has reserved the right to expand their scope.
  • Retains the right to perform individual and pooled audits at its discretion.

Any material changes to these arrangements must be:

  • Made in writing;
  • Dated; and
  • Signed.

By all parties

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Your DORA questions answered – Business resilience more broadly

This fifth of a series of articles covering a practical session organised by Ashurst focuses on business resilience questions connected to DORA.

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This last of a series of six articles covering a practical session organised by Ashurst focuses on how DORA will interact with existing rules as well as its extraterritorial effects.


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Your DORA questions answered – CIFs


Your DORA questions answered – Extraterritoriality and interaction with existing rules

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